Rights and Reproduction

To obtain photographic materials or acquire permission to reproduce images, please read the information below and contact us via the email address. You may request high-res tiff files to reproduce works from the collection of Sentosa Janda Baik in print or electronic formats. Each request for rights to reproduction will be assessed and fees will be determined according to usage. You will be asked to complete and sign an application for rights to reproduction supplied to you by us. This form serves as a contract and will specify the conditions for reproduction of imagery. Sentosa Janda Baik requires prepayment of all fees before images are released. If an image of a work is not available or does not meet your image requirements, we will discuss with you the cost and timeline for obtaining new images.


Sentosa Janda Baik can grant the permissions requested only to the extent of its ownership of the rights relating to the request. Certain works of art, as well as the photographs of those works of art, may be protected by copyright, trademark or related interests not owned by Sentosa Janda Baik. The responsibility of ascertaining whether any such rights exist and for obtaining all other necessary permissions remains with the applicant. To request the rights of reproduction and schedule of fees for Sentosa Janda Baik images, please send the following information by emailing us at sentosajandabaik@gmail.com
  • Full name, mailing address, phone number and email address
  • Image code
  • Image Type – Low res jpg or High res Tiff
  • Intended use – please include the specifics of your publication author, editor, title, publisher, commercial or non-profit, print run, distribution, language, etc.) and the projected date of publication.
Thank you for your interest in the Sentosa Janda Baik image collection.
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